An original short story from iconic thriller collection Match Up, edited by Lee Child, featuring a never-before-seen pairing between bestsellers Lisa Jackson and John Sandford – along with their popular series characters Regan Pescoli and Virgil Flowers.
When not working for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Agent Virgil Flowers is a keen fisherman. But a fishing trip to Montana is interrupted when he agrees to help track down a thief, teaming up with local detective Regan Pescoli to solve the crime.
For more exciting short story pairings, don’t miss all eleven short stories in Match Up!
When not working for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Agent Virgil Flowers is a keen fisherman. But a fishing trip to Montana is interrupted when he agrees to help track down a thief, teaming up with local detective Regan Pescoli to solve the crime.
For more exciting short story pairings, don’t miss all eleven short stories in Match Up!
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