Take part in the Nine Elms Readalong

To celebrate the publication of Nine Elms by Robert Bryndza in paperback we are running a readalong and we’d love for you to join us!
Hosted by Tandem Collective UK, the questions we will be discussing are below.
To take part, grab your copy and head over to Instagram and follow #NineElmsReadalong and #RobertBryndza.
1. Page 35
“You effectively solved the case, yet you were used as a scapegoat by the police and left out to dry. Do you think this is because you’re a woman?”
Do you think the police would have handled things differently if the Nine Elms Cannibal had been a woman and Kate, a man?
2. Page 71
Peter has read this letter many times in the past few days. His mother has assured him that this ‘fan’ is genuine and that she had met with him. Do you think this fan is genuine? Who could this ‘fan’ be?
3. Page 91
We’ve now met the Nine Elms Cannibal’s mother. What have we learned about their relationship? What do you think about her?
4. Page 264
At the moment, we know all of the characters fairly well. What are your thoughts on them? Any theories? What do you think about the relationships between Kate and Jake? What about Kate and Tristan?
5. Page 300
“She said the good far outweighed the bad. It wasn’t his fault he killed those young women. It was his genes that made him do it.”
Kate previously mentioned that she has to believe it’s nurture not nature that turns a person into who they’re meant to be. In this instance, she’s talking about Jake. What are your thoughts on nature vs nurture in this instance? How does the age of a killer depend on this concept?
6. Page 341
At this part of the novel we’ve seen Kate at work, Kate as a recovering alcoholic and Kate as a mother. What have we learned about her? What do you like? Do you want to read more about Kate’s investigating adventures?
Nine Elms is out now in paperback, ebook and audiobook.