Seven Thoughts on Seven Lies by Elizabeth Kay

Selected by the BBC as ‘One to Watch’, Seven Lies by Elizabeth Kay is set to be one of the biggest debut launches of 2020 and we’re delighted to share with you this exclusive article where Elizabeth Kay reveals seven thoughts on Seven Lies!
Seven Thoughts on Seven Lies
1 – I wanted to write a complicated, unpredictable female protagonist who wouldn’t tiptoe around her own identity, but who would be absolutely honest about her feelings.
2 – There have been several toxic female friendships in books and on screen recently, and I was keen to start this one from a point of genuine affection.
3 – I’ve known my best friend my entire life – I have no memories of a time before her – and I wanted to explore the ways that childhood friendships evolve into adulthood.
4 – We all tell lies and the first of the seven – pretending to like a friend’s partner – feels quite ordinary. How far down this path might you go?
5 – As an editor, I’m always looking for dark novels that focus on young, female experiences. I decided to have a go at writing one myself (and I loved it!).
6 – The story explores relationships between women from different angles: from the changing nature of female friendship, to mother-daughter relationships and the bond between sisters.
7 – In Seven Lies, the protagonist loses the people she loves. This is my biggest fear, and I think that inspired me to write about grief, resilience, and the things we might find ourselves doing in our darkest moments.
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