The Island of Lost Girls

Alex Marwood’s latest thriller unearths an unthinkable nightmare, wrapped in the façade of a glamourous dream. The Island of Lost Girls, which follows two different women in two different timelines, explores the dark side of the super-wealthy and the wreckage that can be caused when the wrong people are consumed by power and money. The novel’s setting, the sun-drenched island of La Kastellana, provides the perfect backdrop of this tale of corruption and excess; it’s a glorious paradise until you dig deeper, and then nothing can prepare you for what you uncover…

Marwood is an expert at crafting pacey novels that never sacrifice on fleshing out their characters, and my heart was in my throat as I followed Mercedes’ relationship with the Meades develop in the eighties, and Robin’s desperate search for her daughter in the modern day. With well-executed twists that left me shocked at times and bereft at others, I couldn’t recommend this dark tale more!

Ruth Jones