Death at the Orange Locks


As Covid-19 continues to narrow our horizons and we can only dream of foreign travel, why not pick up Anja’s latest Lotte Meerman thriller and transport yourself to wonderfully vibrant and cosmopolitan Amsterdam, which is the regular setting for Lotte’s police cases. This latest one brings Lotte into uncomfortably close contact with Arjen, her ex-husband and Nadia, his new wife, who come and visit her at central Amsterdam’s police station to report Nadia’s father missing.

Fans and critics alike have always raved how the books are as much about Amsterdam as Lotte, and Anja clearly loves her former home as she writes about it so brilliantly, evoking a real sense of place. And in case you are wondering . . . the Orange Locks are the barriers around Amsterdam which keep the sea at bay and stop the city from being flooded.  So now you know!

Krystyna Green